

I literally could NOT stop moving to the deep funk-soul-rock-jam based rhythm of Corey Henry and the Treme Funktet, as they jammed at Vaughan’s bar in the New Orleans Bywater neighborhood that Thursday night. I was taken to aNother place of Being-ness! I awoke the next morning contemplating a new personal truth: that certain soul piercing music actually causes a portal to open deep within me. Upon entering this space, I give permission to my playful guardian-spirit to free me to experience the Pure Joy of release. The DEPTH of my connection to the music-dance-rhythm-flow-movement became surprisingly more clarified! It’s always been that way for me, but this time, a more profound connection demanded to be acknowledged, and I complied. Images of 19th century slaves in New Orleans came alive in my mind's eye, as I observed them dancing in Congo Square on sacred Sunday afternoons. I can feel-see them moving in “ring shout” fashion, taking full advantage of their weekly opportunity to fully express their African-ness. Their inherent connection to music making and rhythmic movement is fully expressed. Soul-deep ancestral memory is perpetual; it simply will NOT be removed. This I know is Truth.

Congo Square

Congo Square

Connecting the Dots… 
The next day while strolling along Canal Street, I purchased earrings fashioned in the shape of an Adinkra symbol. I was unsure of the meaning; I was simply drawn to the attractive shape. Research revealed it to be KWATAKYE ATIKO, representing bravery and fearlessness. I then recalled a party my husband and I attended back in April. A “seeds of intention” planting and sowing exercise was organized by our hosts. I sowed the following seed: “fearless art true self-acceptance, no worries!" I then reaped an arbitrary seed that read: “a new elevated place”. 

A stunning significance became clear as I connected the dots that day in NOLA: I must be Brave! Unafraid to release anything that impedes my creative growth. The Music/Dance is my ally in setting me free to be unapologetically me. No worries! I give myself permission to rise to a new elevated place. 

Ase – I have the power to make things happen. 
And so it is… 
Thank you, Most High.